Reaticulate | a free articulation management system for REAPER

Bugs and Features

The best way to report bugs or request features is through GitHub Issues.

It does require a (free) GitHub account, but having a ticket open helps me track the issue better.


Reaticulate has active threads on several popular forums. Below are direct links to the Reaticulate threads:


Open dialogue on one of the above forums is encouraged, but if you prefer email, you can reach me here.


I am always humbled by those who wish to kick a few bucks my way. I would be grateful and even more motivated if you would instead donate to a secular humanitarian charity and let me know about it. I recommend Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders).

Your money can be put to much better use than I'm able, and knowing that my work has improved the life of someone in need, even if indirectly and in a small way, is something I find truly inspiring.